Social media is the backbone of many industries now and ProspectBoss is no exception. We are very active on social media and we want you to join us!
We are constantly posting tips and tricks to improve your prospecting, discounts on our products, helpful blog articles and so much more. Did you know each month has Federal Do Not Call dates? We did, and we post them for you each month! Want an ABCs of Prospecting series? Got it! Each week we post a new letter! We also post fun ways to get discounts or even FREE months of our products!! This is why it's so important to make sure you are following us!
We have dedicated staff that can answer your questions and give advice or feedback and we are always happy to help. Need us to look over a script you are using? Let us know! Want to know how to use that feature in the system that boggles your mind? Ask away! This is what we are here for!
Below are the social media channels you can find us on, the links to our pages, AND the profiles of our team members that are active and available to assist you. Like and follow our pages, friend our staff, and get the most out of your prospecting journey!
Of course, there are also the traditional ways of getting in touch with us.
However you choose to reach out, we are here to help!