Introducing our new and improved automated follow up campaigns, previously known as drip campaigns! We've taken the suggestions of our users to create a simple and easy to use campaign builder. With our automated follow up campaigns you can create nurturing campaigns using emails, texts, video messaging and ringless voicemail drops with little to no effort.

The newly designed drag and drop system allows for any user with or without computer knowledge. Start by adding a delay with either a day/days delay or input a specific date. From there add any email, text or ringless voicemail template from your account to create your campaign.

In no time, you'll have fully equipped nurturing campaigns for all your contacts, leads and customers. Once your campaign is complete, simple move to our auto pilot drips to select your follow up campaign and the calling campaign you'd like to engage.
If you have more questions about this feature and how to set it up on your account, please reach out to our tech support team by email or call us at 800-662-4008 EXT 3.