Final Expense Script - "Eternal Security"

Are you new to selling final expense insurance? If you’re struggling, your sales performance may not be to blame. Providing funeral costs, replacing lost income, and other final expenses are the three lowest concerns among consumers signing up for life insurance. Unfortunately, this is what final expense insurance covers.
Ring Ring
Hello Bob, my name is John Gavin and I’m calling back in regards to that inquiry you made online; to get information on a life insurance program
that pays for your funeral costs. For verification purposes, I have Hawaii as your favorite vacation place? 
Perfect. Bob the reason for my call is
that I’m a licensed agent with the State of WA and it only takes me 10minutes to go over what you qualify for, are you typically home duringthe morning or afternoons? 
Great, I’m going to be out that way
tomorrow, is there any reason you wouldn’t be home at 10am? Any doctors appointments? 
Perfect, I’ll be coming from a few appointments
before you so give me around 15 minutes on both sides of 10.
The key is to pause on the”Back” in the first sentence. Makes them know that you’re not initiating a call, you’re calling them back.
On final expense talk slow, meet people where they’re at.
Common objections:
Already took care of it: 
Perfect, then it’ll only take me 5 minutes to see
if I can put you in a better position. 
(Go back to script.)
I’m not interested: 
Perfect, since I’m going to be out that way anyway, it’ll only take me 10 minutes to get you this information and if you’re still not interested we can close this one out so you don’t get anymore phone calls.
I didn’t fill anything out online: 
I’m sorry, I only call people that did.
Since I’m going to be out that way, I’ll get through everything in 5 minutes and we can make sure you don’t get anymore phone calls.

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