Final Expense Script - "Peace of Mind Planning"

Creating an effective final expense phone script for agents requires a balance of professionalism, empathy, and persuasion. Here's a sample script that you can use as a starting point. Remember to tailor it to your specific company's offerings and guidelines.


Agent: "Hello [Prospect's Name], my name is [Your Name], and I'm calling from [Your Company]. I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time. The reason for my call today is to discuss an important matter that relates to your financial well-being. Would now be a convenient time for us to talk for a few minutes?"

Building Rapport:

Agent: "I appreciate your time, [Prospect's Name]. We work with families in the area to ensure they have peace of mind when it comes to final expenses. Many people find it beneficial to have a plan in place, so their loved ones aren't burdened with unexpected costs during a difficult time. Have you ever considered how your family would manage such expenses?"

Identifying Needs:

Agent: "I completely understand that these conversations can be sensitive, but having a plan in place can be a great relief for your loved ones. May I ask if you currently have any arrangements in place for your final expenses?"

Addressing Concerns:

Agent: "I completely understand. It's not an easy topic to discuss. Our goal is to make sure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision. Many of our clients find comfort in knowing that they've taken steps to protect their family from unexpected financial burdens. What concerns or questions do you have about final expense planning?"

Presenting Solutions:

Agent: "We offer customizable plans that fit different needs and budgets. These plans can cover funeral expenses, outstanding debts, and other final costs. I'd be happy to walk you through the options and find a solution that makes you feel comfortable. How does that sound to you?"

Overcoming Objections:

Agent: "I completely understand your reservations. Many people initially feel that way. Let me address those concerns for you. Our plans are designed to be flexible, and we can tailor them to suit your specific wishes. Additionally, we're committed to transparency, so you'll have a clear understanding of what the plan covers. Does that alleviate some of your concerns?"

Closing the Conversation:

Agent: "I appreciate you taking the time to discuss this with me, [Prospect's Name]. Finalizing these arrangements can provide you and your family with peace of mind. Would it be helpful for us to schedule a time to further discuss the available options, or do you have any other questions for me right now?"

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