
Health Insurance Script - "Coverage Compass"

Written by ProspectBoss Team | Nov 3, 2023 4:59:31 PM


Agent: Good [morning/afternoon/evening], [Client's Name]. My name is [Your Name], and I'm a health insurance specialist. How are you today?

Client: I'm doing well, thank you.

Agent: That's great to hear. I'm here to assist you in finding the best health insurance coverage that suits your needs. To get started, can you tell me a bit about your current situation and what you're looking for in a health insurance plan?

Client Information:

Client: I'm looking for health insurance for myself and my family. We want coverage for doctor's visits, hospital stays, and prescription medications.

Agent: That's wonderful, [Client's Name]. Protecting your family's health is crucial. Let's start by gathering some basic information about you and your family members. Can you please provide me with the following details:

  1. Full names and ages of each family member you want to include in the plan.
  2. Any pre-existing medical conditions or specific health concerns for any family member.
  3. Your preferred budget or monthly premium range.

Coverage Needs:

Client: My wife has asthma, and my son needs regular check-ups due to allergies.

Agent: Thank you for sharing that information. It's important to find a plan that can accommodate your family's specific healthcare needs. Based on what you've told me, I'll look for plans that offer comprehensive coverage, including specialist visits for your wife and preventive care for your son.

Explaining Plan Options:

Agent: There are a few different types of health insurance plans available, including Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), and Exclusive Provider Organizations (EPOs). Let me explain the differences:

  • HMOs usually require you to choose a primary care physician (PCP) and get referrals to see specialists.
  • PPOs give you more flexibility to see specialists without referrals, but they tend to be more expensive.
  • EPOs are similar to PPOs but have a narrower network of healthcare providers.


Agent: Given your family's health needs and your budget, I would recommend considering a PPO plan. It provides the flexibility you need, especially for your wife's asthma specialist visits. I've also found some plans that cover allergy testing and treatments for your son.

Premiums and Deductibles:

Agent: Now, let's talk about premiums and deductibles. The premium is the amount you pay each month, and the deductible is the amount you'll need to pay out of pocket before the insurance kicks in. Based on your budget, we can discuss different premium and deductible options.

Reviewing Plan Details:

Agent: I'll share some plan options with you and go over the details. We'll look at the coverage, network of doctors, and any additional benefits each plan offers.

Addressing Questions:

Client: What if I need to see a specialist or visit a specific hospital?

Agent: With a PPO plan, you can see specialists without referrals, and you'll have access to a broad network of doctors and hospitals. If you have a specific specialist or hospital in mind, I'll make sure they are in the network of the plan you choose.

Finalizing the Plan:

Agent: Once we find the plan that meets your needs and budget, I'll assist you with the application process. We'll review the paperwork, make sure you understand the terms, and I'll be here to answer any questions you may have.


Agent: [Client's Name], I'm here to guide you through every step of the process and make sure you have the best health insurance for your family. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss or any questions you have right now?

Client: I think I have a good understanding of the options. Thank you for your help.

Agent: You're welcome, [Client's Name]. I'm here whenever you're ready to take the next steps. Have a great day!

Remember to personalize the script to your specific insurance offerings and the needs of your clients. Make sure to also comply with any regulations or guidelines related to insurance sales in your region.