The term “Money Making Activities” is one of the most accurate descriptions of active prospecting there is. These activities are the ones that keep money flowing in day after day, week after week, and month after month. But active prospecting can be very time consuming. Time blocking is a fantastic way to manage this so that it doesn’t take over the entire day, but something to add to it is using a multi-line power dialer system that will maximize efficiency and time.
The basic way to actively prospect is to dial each number that needs to be called, by hand… This is the slowest and least efficient method. It will get the job done, but it will be slow. When dialing by hand, it takes approximately 7 seconds to dial each number, another 30 seconds for every call that goes to voicemail, and another 30 seconds for every voicemail you have to leave. That is more than 1 minute for every single call even if no one picks up the phone. Making your maximum call volume 60 numbers per hour at the very best.
Using a multi-line power dialer increases the speed at which you go through those numbers. A 3 line CRM Dialer allows agents to dial 3 numbers at a time, weeding out all the voicemails and no answers so time is only spent on calls where someone answers the phone.
The CRM aspect of it is especially helpful to show agents the prospect’s name and other info so there are no surprises when a call is answered. ProspectBoss has some really great features on the CRM side of the multi-line dialer including an interactive script area (Dynamic Scripts), a full contact history for each prospect, and the ability to send text messages and emails directly from the same platform.
If you would like to know more about ProspectBoss’s 3 line CRM Dialer, just click here.
ProspectBoss Team
We cater to Real Estate & Insurance agents but love seeing clients from all industries using our solution successfully. From lead generation and tracking to CRM and data resources, we’ve got the solution for all your prospecting needs.
Call our Sales team at 800-662-4009 or send us an email at sales@prospectboss.com
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