Final Expense Script - "Protecting Your Legacy"

Creating an effective final expense phone script for agents involves balancing professionalism, empathy, and clear communication. Keep in mind that the goal is to provide information, build rapport, and guide the conversation towards the potential client's needs. Below is a sample script that you can customize to suit your specific situation and style:


  1. Agent: Hello, [Prospect's Name], my name is [Your Name]. I'm calling from [Your Company], and I hope this call finds you well. Am I speaking with [Prospect's Name]?

Building Rapport:

  1. Agent: Great! [Prospect's Name], the reason for my call today is to discuss a topic that's important but often overlooked – final expense planning. Many people find it helpful to ensure their loved ones are taken care of when the time comes. Have you had a chance to think about this?

Listen and Acknowledge:

  1. Agent: I understand that discussing final expenses may not be the most comfortable topic. However, we've found that being prepared can provide peace of mind. May I ask if you've considered or have any plans in place for final expenses?

Provide Information:

  1. Agent: Excellent. Our company specializes in helping individuals like yourself plan for these inevitable costs. We offer a range of final expense plans tailored to meet different needs and budgets. These plans can cover funeral expenses, outstanding debts, and provide financial support for your loved ones.

Address Concerns:

  1. Agent: I completely understand that making decisions about these matters can be overwhelming. Many of our clients initially have similar concerns. Is there anything specific on your mind that I can address or clarify for you?

Customize Solutions:

  1. Agent: Based on what we've discussed, I believe we have options that could be a good fit for your situation. To better tailor our recommendations, could you share more about your specific concerns or preferences regarding final expense planning?

Appointment Setting:

  1. Agent: Thank you for sharing that, [Prospect's Name]. I'd love the opportunity to provide you with more detailed information. Would it be convenient for you to schedule a brief, no-obligation consultation, either in person or over the phone, where we can go over the details and answer any questions you may have?


  1. Agent: Great! I appreciate your time today, [Prospect's Name]. I will send you a follow-up email with some additional information and options. Please feel free to reach out if you have any immediate questions. Thank you again, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

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