When someone starts out in a small business in sales, what is the first thing everyone says? “Sell to your friends and family first” right? Ok, so you do that… now what? Now you should have at least a couple people on your list that have bought something from you and you need to keep them organized. But you also want to increase your customer base. This is where Prospect Boss comes into play.

Prospect Boss is a CRM Dialer & more that can help a small business grow. The CRM has lots of features all geared towards making your business bigger, better, stronger. Here are some of the top features to get you on your way.
- Built-in Email and SMS platforms
- This makes it easier and more time efficient to send out emails and texts to your prospect list. No need to toggle back and forth between the system and your email or phone.
- Hot List
- This is a ranking or scoring system that shows you who your hottest leads are, and therefore, letting you know who you need to follow up with first.
- Built-in Video Recorder
- This allows you to record a video message within the system that you can then send in an email or MMS message to your prospects.
- Facebook Leads Push
- Everyone makes a facebook page for their business, it’s just one of the first things you do these days. So have your leads from facebook push directly into the CRM to begin immediate marketing and follow up.
- On-Screen Call Script
- Have your script on your call screen so that you can see it while also seeing your prospects information all in one place.
- Round Robin
- This allows multiple agents to call off a single prospecting list.
- Local Presence
- This allows your caller ID to display with a local number to the area you are calling.
We also have management features for those with a few or more people making calls.
- Call Monitoring
- Allows a manager to monitor a call in progress, neither the agent or prospect are aware.
- Call Recording
- Used for quality control and training
- Call Whisper
- Management can listen in to the call and talk to the agent without the prospect hearing.
- Call Barge
- Management can listen in to the call and both the agent and the prospect can hear the manager speaking.
But you can’t make calls if you don’t have data, right? We’ve got you covered there too! Our Sales Data List is one of the most comprehensive available. To name a few of the filter demographics:
- Filter data by:
- Age Range
- Income Range
- Gender
- Marital Status, etc
You also have the ability to search our list by an entire state rather than by a few zip codes at a time as well as scrub the list against the DNC list. This will help you stay in compliance with Federal Laws on calling.
This, of course, is not a full list of all features available but simply some of the most used ones.

Small business needs tools that bring value. Prospect Boss is low priced with big value.
So how can we help your small business succeed?