Expired Listing Script - The Last Agent Said They Could Sell It for More

In this situation, you want to stay positive, then ask if they’ve signed a contract yet. If they have, wish them luck and offer your services in the future for advice or for referrals. If they haven’t, then go into this objection handler:
Homeowner: The last agent I talked to said they could sell my house for more than what you’re saying.
Agent: I understand you’re looking to get the best price possible here, but you should understand that valuing a home is not a simple process. Some agents offer the world in order to get their foot in the door.
Homeowner: Well, I know what my own home is worth.
Agent: Hey, I hear you. You want the best price possible for your home since you put so much into it. That said, pricing your home too high will mean more time on the market, which will mean the home will appear to have problems to every new buyer who sees it. And the longer it sits on the market, the worse it will get.
Also, you may be cutting out an entire price range of buyers. Most people search within a specific price range. If your home is priced over ${number}, then people searching in the ${number} range may never even see it. Instead of alienating potential buyers and keeping the home on the market forever, we can price it properly to begin with, and you’ll get more, and ideally, better offers.

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