FSBO Script - "Reverse Selling"

Kyle Handy takes a no-nonsense approach to steering the conversation with FSBO sellers to productive and thoughtful places. If you’re in a competitive market where lots of agents are pursuing FSBOs, this is a great script to try.
Hi, This is (Name), I'm a realtor here in (company). How are you?
Oh, that's awesome. I saw that your house just went up for sale, and I know that you're selling it on your own, but I just wanted to know if you'd be open to working with a buyer's agent if they can bring you a fully qualified buyer.
Okay, great! Have you already moved, or are you still living in the home?
Okay, got it. So, where are you off to when the home sells?
Very cool! And I'm sure with the market being so good right now; you'll probably have no issues with selling on your own. But if for some reason, if you're not able to sell, your probably not going to be looking at ther options for at least a few weeks, right?
Makes sense. Well, I'd maybe like to stop by one day this week to take a quick look - either before or after I head into work. What usually works better for you? Mornings or evenings, if I can come and take a quick peek?
Okay, I'll tentatively put you on my calendar for tomorrow at 4pm. If I need to change that, I'll give you a call. Fair enough?
Perfect! I'll send you a quick email with my resume and contact information. What's a good email address for you?
Perfect! I'll send you a quick email, and I'll plan on seeing the home quickly tomorrow around 4pm. Thanks so much!

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