When shopping around for a CRM Dialer, there are many things to consider before purchasing. Sometimes we look at the price, sometimes at features, and sometimes at functionality. And there are always little things here and there between companies that are the same and some that are different. It is those differences that make the difference.
Let’s take a look at how Phone Wagon and Prospect Boss compare.

As you can see, there are some similarities such as:
Outbound Dialing
SMS Marketing
Email Marketing
Call Tracking & Reports
But that is where the similarities end. There are some key differences that make ProspectBoss stand out as the best bang for the buck.
Outbound dialing is not limited to 1 number at a time. ProspectBoss offers up to 4 numbers dialing out simultaneously. This is called a multi-line power dialing system.
On the subject of dialing, where Phone Wagon limits calls with minutes (only 500 minutes included in the base price), ProspectBoss is unlimited dialing, no minutes to worry about. Talk to as many prospects as you possibly can!
ProspectBoss offers not only SMS marketing but also MMS marketing. You can send video messages to your prospects/customers as well.
Both systems do include email marketing, but ProspectBoss has email templates as well as the ability to send videos in emails.
ProspectBoss has a Dynamic Scripts section where you can bring up the next thing you should say based on the responses from the prospect. This helps keep your call flowing smoothly.
Seeing these key differences, it is clear that ProspectBoss offers the most value for your outbound prospecting.
ProspectBoss Team
We cater to Real Estate & Insurance agents but love seeing clients from all industries using our solution successfully. From lead generation and tracking, to CRM and data resources, we’ve got the solution for all your prospecting needs.
Call our Sales team at 800-662-4009 or send us an email at sales@prospectboss.com
We look forward to hearing from you!